Multilingual machine translation models can benefit from synergy between different language pairs, but also suffer from interference. While there is a growing number of sophisticated methods that aim to eliminate interference, our understanding of interference as a phenomenon is still limited. This work identifies the main factors that contribute to interference in multilingual machine translation. Through systematic experimentation, we find that interference (or synergy) are primarily determined by model size, data size, and the proportion of each language pair within the total dataset. We observe that substantial interference occurs mainly when the model is very small with respect to the available training data, and that using standard transformer configurations with less than one billion parameters largely alleviates interference and promotes synergy. Moreover, we show that tuning the sampling temperature to control the proportion of each language pair in the data is key to balancing the amount of interference between low and high resource language pairs effectively, and can lead to superior performance overall.
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语言模型既展示了定量的改进,又展示了新的定性功能,随着规模的增加。尽管它们具有潜在的变革性影响,但这些新能力的特征却很差。为了为未来的研究提供信息,为破坏性的新模型能力做准备,并改善社会有害的效果,至关重要的是,我们必须了解目前和近乎未来的能力和语言模型的局限性。为了应对这一挑战,我们介绍了超越模仿游戏基准(Big Bench)。 Big Bench目前由204个任务组成,由132家机构的442位作者贡献。任务主题是多样的,从语言学,儿童发展,数学,常识性推理,生物学,物理学,社会偏见,软件开发等等。 Big-Bench专注于被认为超出当前语言模型的功能的任务。我们评估了OpenAI的GPT型号,Google内部密集变压器体系结构和大型基础上的开关稀疏变压器的行为,跨越了数百万到数十亿个参数。此外,一个人类专家评估者团队执行了所有任务,以提供强大的基准。研究结果包括:模型性能和校准都随规模改善,但绝对的术语(以及与评估者的性能相比);在模型类中的性能非常相似,尽管带有稀疏性。逐渐和预测的任务通常涉及大量知识或记忆成分,而在临界规模上表现出“突破性”行为的任务通常涉及多个步骤或组成部分或脆性指标;社交偏见通常会随着含糊不清的环境而随着规模而增加,但这可以通过提示来改善。
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NLP基准在很大程度上主要集中在短篇文本上,例如句子和段落,即使长文本在野外占相当数量的自然语言。我们介绍卷轴,这是一套需要在长文本上推理的任务套件。我们检查现有的长文本数据集,文本自然是长期的,同时优先考虑涉及在输入上扫描信息的任务。滚动包含概述,问题应答和自然语言推理任务,包括多个域,包括文学,科学,业务和娱乐。初始基线(包括啰覆编码器),表明滚动有充足的改进空间。我们以统一的文本到文本格式提供所有数据集,并托管Live Refordboard,以促进模型架构和预用方法的研究。
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We construct a universally Bayes consistent learning rule that satisfies differential privacy (DP). We first handle the setting of binary classification and then extend our rule to the more general setting of density estimation (with respect to the total variation metric). The existence of a universally consistent DP learner reveals a stark difference with the distribution-free PAC model. Indeed, in the latter DP learning is extremely limited: even one-dimensional linear classifiers are not privately learnable in this stringent model. Our result thus demonstrates that by allowing the learning rate to depend on the target distribution, one can circumvent the above-mentioned impossibility result and in fact, learn \emph{arbitrary} distributions by a single DP algorithm. As an application, we prove that any VC class can be privately learned in a semi-supervised setting with a near-optimal \emph{labeled} sample complexity of $\tilde{O}(d/\varepsilon)$ labeled examples (and with an unlabeled sample complexity that can depend on the target distribution).
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Training a generative model on a single image has drawn significant attention in recent years. Single image generative methods are designed to learn the internal patch distribution of a single natural image at multiple scales. These models can be used for drawing diverse samples that semantically resemble the training image, as well as for solving many image editing and restoration tasks that involve that particular image. Here, we introduce an extended framework, which allows to simultaneously learn the internal distributions of several images, by using a single model with spatially varying image-identity conditioning. Our BlendGAN opens the door to applications that are not supported by single-image models, including morphing, melding, and structure-texture fusion between two or more arbitrary images.
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Learned classifiers should often possess certain invariance properties meant to encourage fairness, robustness, or out-of-distribution generalization. However, multiple recent works empirically demonstrate that common invariance-inducing regularizers are ineffective in the over-parameterized regime, in which classifiers perfectly fit (i.e. interpolate) the training data. This suggests that the phenomenon of ``benign overfitting," in which models generalize well despite interpolating, might not favorably extend to settings in which robustness or fairness are desirable. In this work we provide a theoretical justification for these observations. We prove that -- even in the simplest of settings -- any interpolating learning rule (with arbitrarily small margin) will not satisfy these invariance properties. We then propose and analyze an algorithm that -- in the same setting -- successfully learns a non-interpolating classifier that is provably invariant. We validate our theoretical observations on simulated data and the Waterbirds dataset.
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The problem of learning threshold functions is a fundamental one in machine learning. Classical learning theory implies sample complexity of $O(\xi^{-1} \log(1/\beta))$ (for generalization error $\xi$ with confidence $1-\beta$). The private version of the problem, however, is more challenging and in particular, the sample complexity must depend on the size $|X|$ of the domain. Progress on quantifying this dependence, via lower and upper bounds, was made in a line of works over the past decade. In this paper, we finally close the gap for approximate-DP and provide a nearly tight upper bound of $\tilde{O}(\log^* |X|)$, which matches a lower bound by Alon et al (that applies even with improper learning) and improves over a prior upper bound of $\tilde{O}((\log^* |X|)^{1.5})$ by Kaplan et al. We also provide matching upper and lower bounds of $\tilde{\Theta}(2^{\log^*|X|})$ for the additive error of private quasi-concave optimization (a related and more general problem). Our improvement is achieved via the novel Reorder-Slice-Compute paradigm for private data analysis which we believe will have further applications.
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